
animated sand drawings
to “I’d change everything” by Coppelius

At this compact-week of drawings, focus was on moving pictures and analogue drawings. While most of my fellow students painted hundreds of sheets of paper with pens or digitally set a few drawings in motion, at the beginning I decided on the fleeting drawing material sand.

I got a strong contrast by a prepared and illuminated aquarium. So I could change the drawing continuously and photograph it from the same perspective.

With my system camera I took more than 1600 single pictures, which I then sorted and edited together with Adobe Premiere to a music video. The band Coppelius received the video from me and agreed to this release, but hasn’t released it yet.

project week ‚bewegtes Zeichnen' supervised by professor Bettina Erzgräber

website of the band Coppelius, CopeliusKanal on Youtube

second bachelor semester Industrial Design